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第十五條 保護客體



Any sign, or any combination of signs, capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one undertaking from those of other undertakings, shall be capable of constituting a trademark. Such signs, in particular words including personal names, letters, numerals, figurative elements and combinations of colours as well as any combination of such signs, shall be eligible for registration as trademarks. Where signs are not inherently capable of distinguishing the relevant goods or services, Members may make registrability depend on distinctiveness acquired through use. Members may require, as a condition of registration, that signs be visually perceptible.




原文 Paragraph 1 shall not be understood to prevent a Member from denying registration of a trademark on other grounds, provided that they do not derogate from the provisions of the Paris Convention (1967).
中文翻譯 前項規定,並不限制會員以其他理由核駁商標註冊之申請。但以該等理由不違反巴黎公約(1967)相關條文為限。


原文 Members may make registrability depend on use. However, actual use of a trademark shall not be a condition for filing an application for registration. An application shall not be refused solely on the ground that intended use has not taken place before the expiry of a period of three years from the date of application.
中文翻譯 會員得以使用作為商標註冊要件。但商標之實際使用不得作為提出申請註冊之要件,亦不得僅因其意圖之使用未於申請提出後三年內實施而駁回其申請。


原文 The nature of the goods or services to which a trademark is to be applied shall in no case form an obstacle to registration of the trademark.
中文翻譯 商標所指定使用之商品或服務之性質,不得構成不准商標註冊之事由。


原文 Members shall publish each trademark either before it is registered or promptly after it is registered and shall afford a reasonable opportunity for petitions to cancel the registration. In addition, Members may afford an opportunity for the registration of a trademark to be opposed.
中文翻譯 會員應於註冊前或註冊後立即公告每件註冊之商標,並應提供申請撤銷該註冊之合理機會。會員亦得提供對商標註冊提出異議之機會。


原文 The owner of a registered trademark shall have the exclusive right to prevent all third parties not having the owner's consent from using in the course of trade identical or similar signs for goods or services which are identical or similar to those in respect of which the trademark is registered where such use would result in a likelihood of confusion. In case of the use of an identical sign for identical goods or services, a likelihood of confusion shall be presumed. The rights described above shall not prejudice any existing prior rights, nor shall they affect the possibility of Members making rights available on the basis of use.
中文翻譯 註冊商標權人應享有排他專屬權,以阻止他人未獲其同意,於交易過程中使用相同或近似之標識於同一或類似之商品或服務,而有致混淆之虞。凡使用相同標識於相同商品或服務者,推定有混淆之虞。上述權利不得侵害任何既存之權利,亦不得影響會員基於使用而賦予權利之可能性。


原文 Article 6bis of the Paris Convention (1967) shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to services. In determining whether a trademark is well-known, Members shall take account of the knowledge of the trademark in the relevant sector of the public, including knowledge in the Member concerned which has been obtained as a result of the promotion of the trademark.
中文翻譯 巴黎公約(1967)第六條之二之規定準用於服務。決定某一商標是否為著名商標,會員應考慮該商標在相關公眾之知名度,包括因商標之宣傳而在該會員所取得之知名度。


原文 Article 6bis of the Paris Convention (1967) shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to goods or services which are not similar to those in respect of which a trademark is registered, provided that use of that trademark in relation to those goods or services would indicate a connection between those goods or services and the owner of the registered trademark and provided that the interests of the owner of the registered trademark are likely to be damaged by such use.
中文翻譯 有關不類似於他人註冊商標所指定使用之商品或服務,準用巴黎公約(1967)第六條之二之規定於不類似於他人註冊商標所指定使用之商品或服務準用之。但以該商標於該等商品或服務之使用,有致相關公眾將該等商品或服務與註冊商標權人產生聯想,且註冊商標權人之利益有因該使用而受損害之虞者為限。


原文 Members may provide limited exceptions to the rights conferred by a trademark, such as fair use of descriptive terms, provided that such exceptions take account of the legitimate interests of the owner of the trademark and of third parties.
中文翻譯 會員得對商標權做有限度的例外規定,例如說明性用語的合理使用;惟須考慮商標權人及第三人之合法權益。


原文 Initial registration, and each renewal of registration, of a trademark shall be for a term of no less than seven years. The registration of a trademark shall be renewable indefinitely.
中文翻譯 商標首次註冊及每次延展註冊之期間,均不得少於七年。商標之註冊應可無限次延展。


原文 If use is required to maintain a registration, the registration may be cancelled only after an uninterrupted period of at least three years of non-use, unless valid reasons based on the existence of obstacles to such use are shown by the trademark owner. Circumstances arising independently of the will of the owner of the trademark which constitute an obstacle to the use of the trademark, such as import restrictions on or other government requirements for goods or services protected by the trademark, shall be recognized as valid reasons for non-use.
中文翻譯 若以使用為維持註冊之要件,須商標權人無正當事由至少繼續三年以上未使用,始得廢止其註冊。但商標權人證明未使用係基於正當事由者,不在此限。商標未使用非出於商標權人之意願者,例如對該商標指定使用商品或服務之進口限制或其他之政府規定,應視為未使用之正當事由。


原文 When subject to the control of its owner, use of a trademark by another person shall be recognized as use of the trademark for the purpose of maintaining the registration.
中文翻譯 如他人使用商標係在商標權人監督之下,則該使用應視為維持商標註冊之使用。


原文 The use of a trademark in the course of trade shall not be unjustifiably encumbered by special requirements, such as use with another trademark, use in a special form or use in a manner detrimental to its capability to distinguish the goods or services of one undertaking from those of other undertakings. This will not preclude a requirement prescribing the use of the trademark identifying the undertaking producing the goods or services along with, but without linking it to, the trademark distinguishing the specific goods or services in question of that undertaking.
中文翻譯 於交易過程中,不得對商標之使用為特殊要求而造成不合理之妨礙,例如須與其他商標一起使用、須以特別的形式使用,或使用方式有害於識別商品或服務之能力。此規定並不禁止要求將用以表彰生產事業之商標與用於區別該事業指定使用於特定商品或服務之商標一起使用,但不得要求將此二者聯結使用。


原文 Members may determine conditions on the licensing and assignment of trademarks, it being understood that the compulsory licensing of trademarks shall not be permitted and that the owner of a registered trademark shall have the right to assign the trademark with or without the transfer of the business to which the trademark belongs.
中文翻譯 會員得規定商標授權與移轉之要件。惟不得為商標強制授權之規定。無論所屬營業是否一併移轉,註冊商標權人應有移轉其註冊商標之權利。


原文 Geographical indications are, for the purposes of this Agreement, indications which identify a good as originating in the territory of a Member, or a region or locality in that territory, where a given quality, reputation or other characteristic of the good is essentially attributable to its geographical origin.
中文翻譯 本協定所稱之地理標示,係指為辨別一商品係產自一會員之領域,或其領域內之某一地區或地點之標示,而該商品之特定品質、聲譽或其他特性,主要係歸因於其地理來源者。



In respect of geographical indications, Members shall provide the legal means for interested parties to prevent: 

(a) the use of any means in the designation or presentation of a good that indicates or suggests that the good in question originates in a geographical area other than the true place of origin in a manner which misleads the public as to the geographical origin of the good; 

(b) any use which constitutes an act of unfair competition within the meaning of Article 10bis of the Paris Convention (1967).






原文 A Member shall, ex officio if its legislation so permits or at the request of an interested party, refuse or invalidate the registration of a trademark which contains or consists of a geographical indication with respect to goods not originating in the territory indicated, if use of the indication in the trademark for such goods in that Member is of such a nature as to mislead the public as to the true place of origin.
中文翻譯 商標包含或由不實產地之地理標示所組成,若在該會員國內使用此地理標示於該商標指定使用之商品,本質上將致公眾誤認該商品之實際產地者,該會員應依法定職權或利害關係人之申請,不准此等商標之註冊或評定其註冊無效。


原文 The protection under paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 shall be applicable against a geographical indication which, although literally true as to the territory, region or locality in which the goods originate, falsely represents to the public that the goods originate in another territory.
中文翻譯 商品之地理標示,雖確係該商品原產地之領域、地區或地點,如向公眾不實表示該商品係產自其他領域者,仍有本條第一、第二及第三項之適用。


原文 Each Member shall provide the legal means for interested parties to prevent use of a geographical indication identifying wines for wines not originating in the place indicated by the geographical indication in question or identifying spirits for spirits not originating in the place indicated by the geographical indication in question, even where the true origin of the goods is indicated or the geographical indication is used in translation or accompanied by expressions such as "kind", "type", "style", "imitation" or the like.
中文翻譯 會員應提供利害關係人法律途徑,以防止將葡萄酒或烈酒之地理標示,使用在非產自該地理標示所表彰地區之葡萄酒或烈酒,即使其標示商品之真實產地,或者其係以翻譯之方式使用,或伴以「同類」、「同型」、「同風格」、「相仿」或其他類似的說明。


原文 The registration of a trademark for wines which contains or consists of a geographical indication identifying wines or for spirits which contains or consists of a geographical indication identifying spirits shall be refused or invalidated, ex officio if a Member's legislation so permits or at the request of an interested party, with respect to such wines or spirits not having this origin.
中文翻譯 葡萄酒或烈酒商標包含葡萄酒或烈酒之地理標示或由該地理標示所組成,而該葡萄酒或烈酒非產自其地理標示所表彰之地理來源者,會員應依法定職權或利害關係人之申請,不准該商標之註冊或評定其註冊為無效。


原文 In the case of homonymous geographical indications for wines, protection shall be accorded to each indication, subject to the provisions of paragraph 4 of Article 22. Each Member shall determine the practical conditions under which the homonymous indications in question will be differentiated from each other, taking into account the need to ensure equitable treatment of the producers concerned and that consumers are not misled.
中文翻譯 葡萄酒之地理標示若屬同名,且不違反第二十二條第四項之規定者,各標示均應保護之。各會員應在考量確保相關生產者獲得公平待遇及消費者不致被誤導的前提下,訂定區別同名地理標示之可行性規定。


原文 In order to facilitate the protection of geographical indications for wines, negotiations shall be undertaken in the Council for TRIPS concerning the establishment of a multilateral system of notification and registration of geographical indications for wines eligible for protection in those Members participating in the system.
中文翻譯 為促進對葡萄酒地理標示之保護,與貿易有關之智慧財產權協定理事會應就有關建立葡萄酒地理標示之多邊通知及註冊制度進行談判,使適於保護之葡萄酒地理標示於參與該制度之會員間獲得保護。


原文 Members agree to enter into negotiations aimed at increasing the protection of individual geographical indications under Article 23. The provisions of paragraphs 4 through 8 below shall not be used by a Member to refuse to conduct negotiations or to conclude bilateral or multilateral agreements. In the context of such negotiations, Members shall be willing to consider the continued applicability of these provisions to individual geographical indications whose use was the subject of such negotiations.
中文翻譯 會員同意依據第二十三條之規定,就加強對個別地理標示之保護進行談判。會員不得依據本條第四項至第八項之規定拒絕進行談判,或締結雙邊或多邊協定。就談判而言,於以個別地理標示之使用為談判主題時,會員應願意繼續考慮適用該等條款。


原文 The Council for TRIPS shall keep under review the application of the provisions of this Section; the first such review shall take place within two years of the entry into force of the WTO Agreement. Any matter affecting the compliance with the obligations under these provisions may be drawn to the attention of the Council, which, at the request of a Member, shall consult with any Member or Members in respect of such matter in respect of which it has not been possible to find a satisfactory solution through bilateral or plurilateral consultations between the Members concerned. The Council shall take such action as may be agreed to facilitate the operation and further the objectives of this Section.
中文翻譯 與貿易有關之智慧財產權協定理事會應隨時檢討本節規定之適用情形;首次檢討應於世界貿易組織協定生效後兩年內進行。任何影響遵守此等條款義務之事項,均可提交理事會討論;上開情事,理事會應依會員之請求,就透過相關會員間之雙邊或多邊諮商仍無法獲得合意解決方案之事項,與任一會員或數個會員間進行協商。理事會應採取各方同意之措施,以推動本節之適用,並促進本節目標之實現。


原文 In implementing this Section, a Member shall not diminish the protection of geographical indications that existed in that Member immediately prior to the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement.
中文翻譯 會員於執行本節規定時,不得減損世界貿易組織協定生效前已於該國存在之地理標示之保護。


原文 Nothing in this Section shall require a Member to prevent continued and similar use of a particular geographical indication of another Member identifying wines or spirits in connection with goods or services by any of its nationals or domiciliaries who have used that geographical indication in a continuous manner with regard to the same or related goods or services in the territory of that Member either (a) for at least 10 years preceding 15 April 1994 or (b) in good faith preceding that date.






Where a trademark has been applied for or registered in good faith, or where rights to a trademark have been acquired through use in good faith either: 

(a) before the date of application of these provisions in that Member as defined in Part VI; or 

(b) before the geographical indication is protected in its country of origin; 

measures adopted to implement this Section shall not prejudice eligibility for or the validity of the registration of a trademark, or the right to use a trademark, on the basis that such a trademark is identical with, or similar to, a geographical indication.







原文 Nothing in this Section shall require a Member to apply its provisions in respect of a geographical indication of any other Member with respect to goods or services for which the relevant indication is identical with the term customary in common language as the common name for such goods or services in the territory of that Member. Nothing in this Section shall require a Member to apply its provisions in respect of a geographical indication of any other Member with respect to products of the vine for which the relevant indication is identical with the customary name of a grape variety existing in the territory of that Member as of the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement.
中文翻譯 本節之規定並未要求會員對於其他會員地理標示之保護,及於其境內與該地理標示相同但係該地理標示相關商品或服務所習於使用之通用名稱。本節之規定並未要求會員對於任何其他會員有關葡萄酒商品之地理標示之保護,及於其境內與該地理標示相同且於世界貿易組織協定生效日已存在之葡萄品種習用名稱。


原文 A Member may provide that any request made under this Section in connection with the use or registration of a trademark must be presented within five years after the adverse use of the protected indication has become generally known in that Member or after the date of registration of the trademark in that Member provided that the trademark has been published by that date, if such date is earlier than the date on which the adverse use became generally known in that Member, provided that the geographical indication is not used or registered in bad faith.
中文翻譯 會員得規定,依本節有關商標之使用或註冊提出之任何請求,必須於不當使用該受保護之標示於該會員境內已成為眾所周知後五年內為之,惟若該商標註冊日(若商標已於該日前公告)早於該會員境內不當使用已成為眾所周知之日,應於商標註冊日後五年內為之。但該地理標示之使用或註冊為惡意者,不適用之。


原文 The provisions of this Section shall in no way prejudice the right of any person to use, in the course of trade, that person's name or the name of that person's predecessor in business, except where such name is used in such a manner as to mislead the public.
中文翻譯 本節之規定不得損害任何人於交易過程中使用其姓名或其營業之被繼受人姓名之權利。但其使用姓名之方法足以致公眾誤認者,不在此限。


原文 There shall be no obligation under this Agreement to protect geographical indications which are not or cease to be protected in their country of origin, or which have fallen into disuse in that country.
中文翻譯 在原產國未獲得保護、已停止受到保護或於該國已不使用之地理標示,本協定並不課以保護之義務。
  • 發布日期 : 102-02-08
  • 發布單位 : 商標權組
  • 更新日期 : 112-05-23
  • 瀏覽人次 : 3305